Massachusetts offers one of the best education systems in the country. Yet, even here students, educators, and communities lack the resources and support they need to ensure that schools meet the educational needs for today’s students and tomorrow’s opportunities. As both a public school teacher and principal in districts spanning the North Shore, Cape, and MetroWest, Josh has seen what it takes to make schools thrive and understands how schools can be better supported by the state. Josh will pursue policies that ensure teaching remains a desirable and worthy profession for both veteran teachers and recent college graduates. Instead of endlessly burdening schools, Josh will look to honor the maxim he learned as a graduate student, “You can’t expect greater output without increasing input.” Put simply, Massachusetts needs to prioritize education and continue efforts to modernize it. Josh will be at the forefront of these efforts.
Josh will work to:
Define graduation requirements in light of the passage of ballot initiative 2 (Elimination of MCAS as a graduation requirement)
Pass a state law that bans cell phones in schools with a goal of decreasing online harassment of teachers and students, and increasing academic rigor without in-school distractions.
Increase resources to identify and treat mental illness, including additional adjustment counselors
Reduce out of school suspensions and ensure our most vulnerable students have the tools and resources they need to succeed
Identify best practices for social media platforms to safeguard children's mental health and develop guidelines for safe social media use